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Image by lafayett zapata montero

Make Your Appoinment Easier

Nitrous Oxide

Dental Anxiety affects many adults and it is nothing to be ashamed of.  Most of the time, it comes from a bad childhood experience at the dentist or it can simply just be the idea of the being at the dental office.  After your initial exam, our staff can normally identify patients that may be suffering from some form of dental anxiety and my not even realize it. 

Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective sedative agent that is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask that fits over your nose to help you relax.

Nitrous oxide, sometimes called “laughing gas,” is one option to make you more comfortable during certain procedures. It is not intended to put you to sleep. You will be able to hear and respond to any requests or directions that our staff may have. You will be asked you close your eyes and to breathe normally through your nose,  Within a few short minutes you should start to feel the effects of the nitrous oxide. You may feel light-headed or a tingling in your arms and legs. Some people say their arms and legs feel heavy. Each person may react differently (depending on age, weight, & level of anxiety).  Ultimately, you should feel calmer and more comfortable. The effects of nitrous oxide wears off soon after the mask is removed.  

Please note:  We do not put patients to sleep at our office. There is an additional fee for Nitrous Oxide.  

Image by Amanda Sofia Pellenz
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